Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Echo & Weetzie Bat

Francesca Lia Block really likes to write about the Los Angeles scene. These two books are full of references of places, events, and life styles that are typical of L.A. I found it interesting that the main character in both of these books went to New York and made the Metropolitan Museum their favorite place there. I wonder if it is the same in her other books. Echo and Weetzie are both trying to discover who they are. In the end they both find someone. Echo ends up with a guy and Weetzie ends up with a housefull of characters one might call a family. I ended up wondering how these stories would continue since they end rather abruptly. Weetzie Bat continues for four more books but Echo doesn't.
These are short and very fast reads. I recommend this author if you are looking for a quick piece of candy in between more challenging stories.
My rating for these books: ++

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