Monday, December 10, 2007


Most of the time I've watched this movie after discovering it by surfing through the channels, it's already in progress, and it's on a channel that chops it up and positively ruins it with ads and/or commentary by some self-proclaimed expert who should know better than talk in the middle of a movie. This weekend, however, I watched the entire movie, every minute, from the opening to the credits at the end with every single word, smoldering look, and plot development in order and uncut - as it should be. I felt all the tension the director worked so hard to create; tension caused by the invasion of Casablanca by the Nazis, people trying to get to America to get away from the Nazis, and the relationships between Rick and Ilsa, and Ilsa and Victor.

Humphrey Bogart was not a very handsome man. He had a small jaw, crooked teeth, and he wasn't very buff but he stands among giants when it comes to rugged and tough individuals. Ingrid Bergman, on the other hand, was one of the most beautiful actresses to grace the screen, even in black and white. One thing that stands out in this movie is how her eyes sparkle when there are tears in them. This small thing is either totally lost or greatly diminished in color movies. Claude Rains and Peter Lorre are perfect in their supporting roles as policeman and rogue respectively.

If you have never seen this movie, you must! Run, don't walk, to Blockbuster or Netflix and rent it. You will be amazed at the number of lines you already know from this movie. You will feel like you have seen this movie already, so much of it will be familiar. "This could be the start of a beautiful friendship." "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." And one of the most misquoted exchanges: "Rick: You know what I want to hear. Sam: [lying] No, I don't. Rick: You played it for her, you can play it for me! Sam: [lying] Well, I don't think I can remember... Rick: If she can stand it, I can! Play it!" You may have heard the line, "Play it again, Sam," but Rick never says that.
This movie won the Oscar for best film for 1943, the American Film Institute voted it as the #3 Greatest Movie of All Times and it also won for the #1 Most Memorable Line -
"Here's looking at you, kid."

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